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Mar 25, 2021Techonomy
“The issue around social media is becoming mission critical. It’s becoming existential,” said Ben Pring of Cognizant, co-author of Monster: A Tough Love Letter On Taming the Machines that Rule our Jobs, Lives, and Future.
Mar 25, 2021Techonomy
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken millions of lives and triggered trillions of dollars’ worth of economic wreckage. And while news regarding vaccines is encouraging, now is not the time for the world to turn its back on safety measures prove to help slow the spread of the virus.
Mar 25, 2021The Economic Times
The global connected car market was valued at approximately $63 billion in 2019, and is projected to reach more than $225 billion by 2027, according to Allied Market Research.
Mar 23, 2021London Loves Business
The past 12 months have been tough on us all, but in light of the UK’s lockdown anniversary, the below business leaders believe there are some positive learnings organisations should consider for a successful future.
Mar 19, 2021Yahoo Finance
Yahoo Finance’s Alexis Christoforous and Ben Pring, Managing Director for the Center for the Future of Work at Cognizant, discuss the company’s 21 Places of the Future report.
Mar 16, 2021Insurance Wire
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been disrupting all of our lives for some time now, whether we know it or not.
Mar 16, 2021Global Banking & Finance Review
As we all begin to look beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and towards what we hope will be a full economic recovery, the Banking and Financial Services (BFS) sector in the UK and Ireland has reason to be cautiously optimistic about its immediate future.
Mar 15, 2021Intelligent Automation Radio Podcast
As women bridge the diversity gap in the technology industry, female executives like Cognizant’s Mariesa Coughanour, have advanced their careers to prominent positions in our profession, and it’s worth taking note.
Mar 11, 2021Fortune
Humphries is focusing on growing the international market for the company.
Mar 11, 2021Times of India
IT firm Cognizant on Thursday said it will cover the vaccination cost for over six lakh people in India, including its own two lakh employees and their families as well as contract and support staff.