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Cognizant Showcases Skills Training Initiatives at the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives’ Annual Conference

Cognizant presented opening remarks at the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives’ Annual Convention, held July 17 – 20 in Des Moines, Iowa. As part of those remarks, Cognizant’s Senior Director of Corporate Affairs, Eric Westphal, discussed one of the most pressing issues in business today -- the lack of skilled individuals to fill the digital jobs of the 21st century.

With a theme of ‘Dream Big, Be Different’, the three day convention was attended by some of the world’s most influential chambers of commerce, regional partnerships, economic development organizations and business leaders.  Gathered to learn, share ideas and build communities, the conference featured learning sessions focused on robots and their impact upon jobs, using data to create plans for closing the skills gap, and strategies to win talent – the currency of today’s economic development.

“Cognizant enjoys a great working relationship with numerous chambers of commerce throughout the US,” said Westphal. “We’ve created a series of public-private partnerships that bring together the needed resources and specific expertise to provide training and education programs that help students, and established professionals, launch or reinvigorate their tech industry careers. By partnering with local-area chambers we’re able to create those educational initiatives that directly target the skills gap found in today’s technology industry while positively impacting local communities.”

The Association serves 1,300 chambers of commerce, supporting the development of chamber professionals so that they can effectively lead local businesses and their communities. Attended by more than 1,000 delegates from 47 different US states and more than 10 countries, the annual convention provides chamber executives with the tools and education needed to be successful.