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Network Asia, Hong Kong: Cognizant’s APAC Head Says the Flexibility Offered by Augmented Reality Makes it a Frontrunner in Enterprise Adoption

“Augmented reality (AR) has captured the attention of everyone worldwide,” writes Jayajyoti Sengupta. “More than a passing fad, AR is now becoming an important technology in the enterprise, literally bringing the digital world to life.” Excerpts:

“Success stories lend greater credibility to the benefits of AR and cement the technology’s position as an innovation set to take the world by storm. For example, in a pilot project, DHL found they were able to improve accuracy by minimizing errors, and increase efficiency by 25 percent when they equipped warehouse workers with AR-enabled smart-glasses that guided them through item picking for order fulfilment.

It is no wonder then, that many early-adopters in retail, manufacturing, utilities, education, tourism and gaming have started conducting field trials to test the technology’s ability in improving their employee engagement, workflow and business processes.

Today’s rapidly evolving technology and business landscape also means organizations often require agility and speed in the workplace for competitive advantage. AR technologies can enable custom-designed maintenance solutions where complex procedures can be animated directly on the equipment. This enhances effectiveness or accuracy for employees as animation-based instructions and reference materials are overlaid directly on the physical equipment.

AR for inspection and maintenance is now being used across a wide spectrum of industries. Field service agents, for example, can use AR and wearable technology to access checklists and work manuals, interact with systems via voice and gestures, and provide remote support. AR is eliciting interest in the energy and utilities world for asset inspection, meter-reading, remote monitoring of tasks, and health and safety. In healthcare, AR can help nurses and clinicians to learn about surgeries, carry out modelling of organs, and explain medical procedures. Automotive companies can benefit from AR in diverse areas such as factory planning, product visualization, worker support and customer support. The technology can help industrial designers visualize and experience a product’s design and operation, car body structure and engine layout, to name a few.

In the end, the flexibility offered by AR makes it a frontrunner in the race for enterprise adoption over the long term.”

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