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HfS Research Commends Cognizant’s Focus on Helping Customers Operate Like ‘Born in the Cloud’ Disruptors

“There’s a new set of ambitious, demanding BPO clients, and they’re changing what the future of BPO looks like for all of us: born in the cloud enterprises, digital natives and unicorns,” write Melissa O'Brien and Barbra McGann of HfS Research. Excerpts:

“Digital natives demand speed and agility in a way that established enterprises haven’t in the past; they are looking for partners who are also thinking about the customer experience, do collaborative engagement instinctively, and aren’t mired by legacy systems and thinking.

A key driver is the ability to tap into existing resources that can take care of the operations that are not unique to their business; and then also into additional resources that can help support business expansion in new global locations.

Cognizant, for example, in the Communications and Technology BPS [Business Process Services] practice, taps into its network of people to do field work on local data and digital market work for small and medium sized businesses quickly, leveraging its secure infrastructure.

Agility and anticipation are paramount. These companies that are on the fast track to growth are used to movement—clients expect agility and flexibility from the “get go” versus a slow, methodical transition. This is driven by consumer demand and how they are expecting to communicate and have personal services that are easy.

“Support is the new product and speed is the new cost,” is the way that Mahesh Jadhav, Global Business Head for Communications and Technology BPS at Cognizant, describes it. “We incubate services and if it works, great, if not, then we pull it down and change.”

On the whole, any company looking to thrive in the digital world needs to have more of a “born in the cloud” approach to partnering. What we saw at Cognizant is an example of a service provider that has shaped a strategy, identified the talent, and invested in experience that can also help enterprise clients work through a game plan to incubate new ideas, and position themselves to operate more like these born in the cloud disruptors. It’s also an example of how service providers themselves need to be on their own path to defending from digital native disruption, changing their culture and the way they do things. The critical element is the focus on the customer—how can any company create, broker, and deliver an experience—at pace and with agility.”

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