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IDG Connect, UK: Europe Head of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work Says the Relationship Between Humans and Machines Needs a Rethink

“While there is no doubt that some jobs as we know them may be significantly altered by technology, others will be substantially augmented, to enhance job roles and efficiency, thereby helping companies secure their most important asset—their people,” writes Euan Davis. “Analytics, algorithms, big data and automation are all set to dramatically enhance innovation, productivity and decision-making; however, the relationship between humans and machines needs a rethink.” Excerpts:

“We should view process automation technologies as working alongside smart people rather than supplanting them. Expect new roles to emerge in the wake of automation: the augmented reality designer, the avatar programmer, “fusionists” who combine art, engineering, research and science, or machine-learning designers who can construct data models and algorithms and create products that anticipate the needs of users and fulfil them before they even have to ask.

Even the software tools that automate rote process work will still need someone to monitor and correct issues as they arise.

Robots are very good at the “science” of a job, especially where reliance on computational capabilities, analysis and pattern recognition query the most appropriate action to take next, based on all data available.

AI (artificial intelligence) and intelligent process automation are improving results in many sophisticated processes such as loan applications in banking, claims adjudication for insurers, provider verification for healthcare, and clinical data management for life sciences firms, to name just a few areas.

We must not forget the pivotal role that humans will play. Humans are very good at assessing situations, or the “art” of the job, and essentially asking “what is the right thing to do in a given situation?” Consequentially, customer-facing jobs are likely to remain in the human realm; despite the rise of digital technologies, as face-to-face customer interactions are still crucial in delivering good customer service.

Processes are becoming digital, instrumented, analyzed, and increasingly operated by smart machines and code in conjunction with clever, more skilled humans. Structural shifts are set to change the future of the workplace and although we will see the continued rise of machines over the coming years, the human touch will always be needed.”

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