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Market’s Media, U.S.: Cognizant’s Vice President of Banking and Financial Services Says Organizations That Embark on the Automation Journey will Soon Begin Improving Outcomes Like Never Before

“For many organizations, the processes that benefit most from intelligent automation are those where smart technologies and humans interact together ― each working on the part they do best,” says Ajay Bhutoria. Excerpts:

“In the business world, imagine intelligent automation running in tandem with work conducted by research and development teams, sales organizations, manufacturing and logistics operations, or customer service departments. The impact ― on everything from financial trading systems, to real-time pricing engines, to patient care, to completely individualized insurance programs — is enormous and is just beginning to be recognized by early adopters.

Implementing intelligent automation entails two steps: understanding its capabilities, and identifying where to apply it.

It is the introduction of logic which allows these programs to make decisions autonomously, or on their own, when they encounter exceptions or other variances in the processes they execute. Intelligent automation systems are also characterized by their ability to analyze vast amounts of dynamic and unstructured input, as well as to execute processes that are highly dynamic and non-rules-based.

The promise of intelligent automation is real, and it’s here now. Organizations that get started on the automation journey will soon experience the benefits of process acceleration, greater efficiency, quality gains, and optimized work teams and begin improving outcomes like never before.”

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