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City AM, UK: Cognizant’s European Lead, Center for the Future of Work, Says Manufacturing Work Will Change; Not Go Away

Excerpts from City AM’s article reproduced with permission:

“The future of work is at the heart of every major socio-economic-political debate. Although many are excited by the increasing impact of automation in the manufacturing industry, yesterday’s Oxford Economics report will cause others employed in industrial roles to be scared that what little grip they have on the economic ladder is about to slip away.

Looking beyond the headlines, we can see that automation is predicted to lead to productivity growth that will ensure incremental job growth. This will, however, mask huge changes in what work we do and how we do it. For example, our 21 More Jobs of the Future report predicts that roles such as flying car developer or head of machine personality design will emerge in response to new production methods. Alternatively, positions such as smart home design manager will help individuals curate their future home.

The rapid evolution of working practices has resulted in skills resembling mobile apps, requiring frequent upgrades to stay relevant. As the world of work continues to evolve based on new technologies, humans must increasingly evolve their skillsets to stay relevant and work in harmony with technologies, to ensure that their jobs are not automated away.”

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Cognizant Digital OperationsIntelligent Process AutomationManufacturingManufacturing, Logistics, Energy & UtilitiesCognizant Center for the Future of Work

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