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Personnel Today, UK: Europe Head of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work Says a Big Driver in the Internet Age is Transparency

“Start small with automation, introducing it into one part of the business in order to understand its impact, before rolling it out more broadly,” says Euan Davis. “Developing hybrid teams is not just about staff learning to work with robots; it is about thinking through how you can take a more consistent approach to how data is used in the business. This involves working out what data, tools, policies and roles will be required to make the situation work ― areas in which HR will inevitably have an important role to play.” Excerpts:

“Such a shift will lead to the creation of completely new posts in which, for instance, individuals are tasked with visualizing what the patterns in data spotted by AI systems could mean for the business and how they could best be exploited.

There are also “interactionists”, whose job it is to understand and enhance the user experience as well as improve collaboration between people and machines in order to boost productivity.

Another increasingly important role for HR will be to help shape a positive corporate culture and employer brand.

Increasingly culture will be what determines the success of one company over another.

A big driver in the internet age is transparency and if you want to hire the brightest and best, you need to clarify the quid pro quo as to why people, and particularly gig workers, should work for you.”

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